What is My Type?
Personalized guidance identifying and learning about your Enneagram Type
For some folks, identifying the lens through which you see the world can be difficult to do alone. On-line tests are very often confusing and can actually keep people searching longer than necessary. Feedback from people or providers who lack professional certification and experience in the system can be inaccurate as well. Dale Rhodes has professional certification and over twenty years experience to offer face-to-face typing interviews and guidance to help you discover and explore your type.
The first hour may be a formal interview that assesses your type or introduces you to the variety of options within the system. The second hour explores through videos, handouts and discussion what you have discovered about yourself related to instincts, type and paths for personal development. For both sessions, an assessment tool, and emailed study materials to follow, the total cost is only $275 (discounted from hourly sessions). No prep is needed but purchasing The Essential Enneagram by Daniels/Price is often helpful pre-or post- session.
$250 is the discounted total for the full two-hour session.
Enneagram Portland
tel: (503) 295-4481 [email protected]