The Enneagram is a helpful tool in organizations.
The Enneagram helps people intentionally relate to each other by understanding what motivates themselves and others. Common problems caused by miscommunications, hurt feelings, and other misunderstandings often result from people assuming that others see, or should see, the world the way they do. The Enneagram puts organizational members on the fast track to improving their working relationships. With knowledge of the Enneagram, one can respond and interact in a manner that results in deeper understanding, better communication, and a more skillful use of energy toward achieving mutual goals. With this common understanding and vocabulary among members, groups and organizations can be positively transformed.
The Enneagram helps people intentionally relate to each other by understanding what motivates themselves and others. Common problems caused by miscommunications, hurt feelings, and other misunderstandings often result from people assuming that others see, or should see, the world the way they do. The Enneagram puts organizational members on the fast track to improving their working relationships. With knowledge of the Enneagram, one can respond and interact in a manner that results in deeper understanding, better communication, and a more skillful use of energy toward achieving mutual goals. With this common understanding and vocabulary among members, groups and organizations can be positively transformed.
Work with Portland's Enneagram Professional

Dale Rhodes has extensive nonprofit management experience: as a direct service coordinator for the homeless and mentally ill with Thresholds Bridge in Chicago, as Director of Group Services for the Chicago GLBT Center Horizons, as Director of the Illinois AIDS Hotline in Chicago, as a MetroCrisis/ProtoCall Account Manager in Portland, and as the Ryan White Federal Care Act Council Staff for the Multnomah County Commissioner; all of which support his work as a seasoned consultant and trainer.
Since 2002, Dale has been providing training and ongoing community experiences with the Enneagram. Enneagram Portland is named in formal global partnership with Enneagram Worldwide, the school founded by authors Helen Palmer and David Daniels, MD. Dale has been the counselor on duty at the Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP) and he is currently a staff mentor for candidates seeking professional certification. Dale has also completed certification as an Enneagram trainer through the Enneagram Spectrum Training and Certification program with author Jerry Wagner, Ph.D from Loyola University Chicago. He has been fortunate to study in person with a wide variety of accomplished Enneagram teachers, providing the basis for an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the Nine Points of View.
A Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration and a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies means that he can convey his message to just about anyone. Dale can provide a training for your organization or can be a subcontractor who contributes to a training or a consulting project that you already manage. Bring the Enneagram into your culture!
Thanks for bringing your knowledge and wisdom to camp with us. For many, your presentation was the highlight of the weekend and for all it was a chance to go inside and explore some of ourselves.
-David Kahl, CEO and Chief Storyteller at Ergo Depot
We hired Dale to start our Leadership Program. Best program ever on using personal behavioral knowledge to grow/lead a team!! First time I have ever had participants ask for more time with a speaker on this topic. Outstanding knowledge and applicability to leadership in all types of organizations.
-Agnes Zach, Director, Willamette Valley Development Officers
These organizations can attest to the benefits of professional support and leadership development training with Dale Rhodes. Their websites are linked for your review.
Since 2002, Dale has been providing training and ongoing community experiences with the Enneagram. Enneagram Portland is named in formal global partnership with Enneagram Worldwide, the school founded by authors Helen Palmer and David Daniels, MD. Dale has been the counselor on duty at the Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP) and he is currently a staff mentor for candidates seeking professional certification. Dale has also completed certification as an Enneagram trainer through the Enneagram Spectrum Training and Certification program with author Jerry Wagner, Ph.D from Loyola University Chicago. He has been fortunate to study in person with a wide variety of accomplished Enneagram teachers, providing the basis for an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the Nine Points of View.
A Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration and a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies means that he can convey his message to just about anyone. Dale can provide a training for your organization or can be a subcontractor who contributes to a training or a consulting project that you already manage. Bring the Enneagram into your culture!
Thanks for bringing your knowledge and wisdom to camp with us. For many, your presentation was the highlight of the weekend and for all it was a chance to go inside and explore some of ourselves.
-David Kahl, CEO and Chief Storyteller at Ergo Depot
We hired Dale to start our Leadership Program. Best program ever on using personal behavioral knowledge to grow/lead a team!! First time I have ever had participants ask for more time with a speaker on this topic. Outstanding knowledge and applicability to leadership in all types of organizations.
-Agnes Zach, Director, Willamette Valley Development Officers
These organizations can attest to the benefits of professional support and leadership development training with Dale Rhodes. Their websites are linked for your review.
- Kairos, Inc.
- Providence Health and Services, Aging Services and Elder at Home Programs
- Friends of the Columbia Gorge
- Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Counseling and Education
- Northwest Oregon Volunteer Administrators Association
- Fully
- Ronald McDonald House, Portland
- The Freshwater Trust
- WE
- Portland Water Bureau
- Willamette Valley Development Officers
- Oregon DEQ Air Quality Division
- Friends of Family Farmers
- Pacific University School of Occupational Therapy
- Oregon Episcopal School
- Metro Volunteer Management Team
- Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital in Newport
- Catlin Gabel School
- Springbrook Treatment Center
- Social Venture Partners
- Partnership for Southern Equity (formerly EcoDistricts)
- Jesuit Volunteer Corps NW
- Oregon Mediation Association Conference
- Working Class Acupuncture
- PSU Campus Recreation
- The Meriwether Group
- First Unitarian Church of Portland
- St. Mary's Academy
- First Methodist Church of Portland
- Westminster Presbyterian Church of Portland
- UU Communities of West Hills, Eastrose, Astoria, Atkinson, Vancouver
- Northwest Seminars Couples Training Program
- Community Acupuncture Clinics of Nashua and Manchester New Hampshire
- Jesuit Volunteers International, Baltimore Maryland
- Bradley Angle House
- Irvine and Company, CPAs
- OHSU Pacific NW Transplant Bank
- Nike, Inc. Men's and Women's NA Marketing Teams
- Sleep Metrics
- SL Start Support for People with Disabilities
- Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Portland
- Animal Aid of Portland
- Vertue Lab
- First Unitarian Portland
- Conference Staff of United Methodists NW
- Candlelighter's of Oregon
- Farmer's Conservation Alliance
- Landmark Health Systems, Oregon/Washington/California
- Cascade Life Alliance
- Reed College Community Safety Officers
- Legacy/Good Samaritan Alzheimer's Caregiving Support Team